With a proud tradition of excellence dating back to 1922, safety is our number one priority and providing a safe ride is the single most important thing we do each day. We invest in safety technology, training and education, and our fleet and operations, to ensure our team has the tools necessary to meet the evolving transportation needs of our customers.
Suffolk Transportation Service believes in giving back to our community. We work very closely with the United Way of Long Island and many other local organizations supporting important programs for people in need.
Our company gets 25% of its power from solar energy, we have prepared all of our state-of-the-art facilities for the future of all-electric school buses, and make annual investments in our fleet to ensure it is running efficiently and as environmentally-friendly as possible.
We are committed to our employees, the communities we serve and to providing safe, reliable, and affordable transportation services to the people of Suffolk County.
Today Suffolk Transportation Service, Inc. and Suffolk Bus Corp. are owned and operated by Mr. Corrado’s son John J. Corrado, who has been the President of the Company since 1995 and has essentially grown up in this business. John J. Corrado is a graduate of the University of Michigan (BBA 1986) and is a Certified Public Accountant. After a career in accounting with Deloitte Haskins and Sells, John J. joined the family business in 1988 as Treasurer.
The Company’s fleet has grown from 35 school buses and 15 transit buses in 1955 to over 1,800 school buses and 275 transit and paratransit buses today.